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Meet Our Campaign Cabinet

Introducing the Campaign Cabinet
Believe: Transforming Tomorrow Together

Julie Lawson Timmer – Honourary Chair
Julie is a lawyer and author whose first novel, FIVE DAYS LEFT, involved a character with Huntington disease (HD). Julie’s research for the book led her to become involved in fundraising for the Huntington Disease Society of America. After learning about the Huntington Society of Canada’s Believe Campaign, she happily redirected her HD-related efforts to this side of the border. Julie was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and raised in Stratford, Ontario. She now lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Heather Heick
Heather is a Program Director with 32 years of experience in the financial sector. She works primarily on large and highly complicated initiatives which have been focused in Asia in recent years. Additionally, she is a CPA-CMA in good standing. Heather’s affiliation with the Huntington Society of Canada started in 2001 when her father was diagnosed with Huntington disease. She continues to provide volunteer time to HSC although care-giving has increasingly taken up her spare time. In the past, Heather has been on the Board of Directors for a Cuban Relief charity. Heather lives in Waterloo, Ontario and also supports animal rescue.

Vern Barrett
Vern is currently an Education Professor at the University of Winnipeg and enjoys working with young, aspiring teachers very much. Two of his more interesting projects include a program that places education students in Germany where they teach English to marginalized Turkish students, and a program where beginning teachers do extensive service learning activities with disadvantaged students in Winnipeg. Vern has worked hard for the Huntington Society of Canada for more than 40 years, both locally and nationally. Vern’s wife Ellen was a member of the first Board of HSC and started the first Resource Centre and Chapter in Winnipeg. Vern has also served on the Board for many years and as Board chair for four years. Vern is currently Winnipeg Chapter president and a major supporter of the Believe Campaign.

Dan Devlin
Dan has been a significant supporter of the Huntington Society of Canada for more than 10 years. Dan’s entrepreneurial background as a successful co-founder of a bakery production company in Toronto brought business acumen to the HSC Board. Dan has served as an HSC Board Member for several years and recently that led to his position as Chair of HSC’s Board of Directors. Currently Dan serves as past chair. Dan, his wife Jill and his two children have all been very generous with their time in supporting HSC events.

Brenda Wasylow
Brenda is a CPA and is Vice President of Finance for JNE Welding in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Brenda has lost several of her family members to HD and spearheaded the inaugural HD Walk for a Cure in Saskatchewan a number of years ago. She has been involved with HD at both the community and the national level for many years. She currently sits as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of Huntington Society of Canada. She is also Chair of the NSBA (a preeminent business association in Saskatchewan) and Treasurer on the Board of Directors of the Safety Association of Saskatchewan Manufacturers. As well, she is a past business mentor and Director on the board of the Raj Manek Mentorship Foundation.

Jane Manning 
Jane lives in White Rock, B.C. with her husband Paul, who was diagnosed with HD in 2013. As a committed volunteer, Jane has helped raise millions of dollars over the years for local organizations such as the Arts Umbrella, Southridge School, the YMCA and Peace Arch Hospital. Today, the former special-needs teacher is excited to leverage her considerable talent and experience for HSC’s Believe campaign, making a difference for a cause very close to her heart.


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