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Undergraduate Summer Fellowship



The purpose of this fellowship program is two-fold: first, to attract the brightest young scientists into the field of Huntington disease (HD) research and secondly, to facilitate meaningful HD research to clarify the biological mechanisms underlying HD pathology.

The four (4) Fellowships sponsorships offer undergraduate university students across Canada the opportunity to pursue an HD research project that can be conducted over a 12 week period, between May and September. Fellowship recipients, working under the supervision of senior HD scientists, will undertake a project that is focused and achievable in a short timeframe, yet helpful in guiding future HD research. Applications are accepted between February and March each year.


Application is open to enrolled undergraduate life sciences students who are currently attending accredited institutions in Canada. Applications will also be accepted for the summer after graduating from university, the summer after the first year of medical school, or the summer after spending a year as a laboratory technician. The students will conduct full-time research, under the direction of a mentor, investigating a subject relevant to Huntington disease. Applications must be accompanied by a letter of support from the mentor who oversees the laboratory where the research will be performed. The duration of each project shall be at least 12 weeks.

**Please note: Students must identify a mentor and work with them to design a research project before applying for the HSC Undergraduate Summer Fellowship. HSC is happy to assist in identifying researchers across the country who work on Huntington disease, but we are not able to guarantee that each is interested in undergraduate supervision at this moment.


The Undergraduate Summer Fellowship will provide funds, in the amount of $5000, as stipend for a student(s) who completes a 12 week summer fellowship and submits to HSC a report of their activities and findings. Awards will be paid by HSC directly to the student in two installments: the first (75%) payment shall be made upon written acceptance of the award; the second (25%) installment shall be made upon successful completion and fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the award. Any and all published papers, posters and abstracts resulting from research performed as an awardee must acknowledge the Huntington Society of Canada, and be provided to HSC when in-press.


Each student applying for a fellowship must complete an application outlining their project, and can only submit the form with an endorsement from a faculty mentor who will supervise the student. Selection criteria will include the academic credentials of the student, the scientific merit of the proposed project, and the relevancy of the proposal to HD. HSC’s Research Council will review and select candidates. Each recipient will be required to submit a progress report upon completion to receive final payment. Payment will be made directly to the fellowship recipient. Progress Reports will be circulated among all HSC senior investigators and reports of interest may be published by HSC in its research publications. Awardees may be invited to present the results of their research findings at an annual HSC Conference.

Important Dates

Completed applications for the summer of 2024 must be received by HSC no later than Friday, April 12, 2024, at 5:00 pm (EST).

Awardees will be notified by the end of April 2024.

Final reports are due by the end of September 2024.

Completed applications or questions may be directed to Alexander Maxan,

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